Poetry by Peter D. Orr


Unbend My Heart
Aurora's Path
The Oak
The Wanderer
The Wind O' Pain
Talking Flowers
Life's Fluidity Frozen
Beyond the Shadow
Beyond Touch
The Heroic Flaw
Over Manhattan
A Higher Plane
Time Eternal
A Tap on the Shoulder
Engagement & Resignation
The Rest

Engagement and Resignation

Eternity touches down at a single point

Coiling itself up into each vital moment.

At those times we can choose

To cast our gaze to the Ultimate Perspective...

    Where the dawn and dusk meet to shake hands

    Where midday and midnight stand

    And greet the forever-now.

Yet so often when the finger of Fate

Reaches down

To touch the ground

We stand there like some helpless sleuth

Searching in vain

For the traces of prints left behind

From the instant of creation

And we draw back in pain and doubt...

Shrinking from the task of perpetual engagement

Seeking instead a quietly detatched truth.

But the endless maze of human struggle for discovery

Does not stand as a dark mystery.

Rather, it winds in and around

Life and Being,

Revelation and Meaning

And shines like a priceless medallion

For all who revel in the Ultimate Cause:

The convergence of the moment of creation

With the very instant in which we exist.