Poetry by Peter D. Orr


Unbend My Heart
Aurora's Path
The Oak
The Wanderer
The Wind O' Pain
Talking Flowers
Life's Fluidity Frozen
Beyond the Shadow
Beyond Touch
The Heroic Flaw
Over Manhattan
A Higher Plane
Time Eternal
A Tap on the Shoulder
Engagement & Resignation
The Rest

A Tap on the Shoulder

It's fall again and the spirit calls out

across the spot where I first saw you;

around the bend  of steps littered leafy-brown

a silent smile of acknowledgment still remains.


It's that time of year when my soul is played

like a mourning oboe;

a tune that lifts me up on the pathway,

but which dashes me upon the same steps

which my heart can never ascend.


The feel of fall...

so empty without you

(no falling in love).

The sailing leafs...

so purposeless without you.


Shall I go to that spot where your spirit haunts

and touch the stones over which you once tread?

Will I  find one golden thread of your existence?

Oh, Lord ...

what I could have,

would have,

should have said!


I remember so well how

the words of your heart

were like the leafs on the trees,

falling from your eyes so silently...

Today, an oak-leaf gently came to rest upon my shoulder

as I passed that spot.

And it, as if an extension of a past time,  reminded me of a day

when I should have been bolder.