12 College friends decide to spend a weekend at a cabin along the Catawissa Creek. This cabin belongs to Toby Drexler's uncle.  The closest town is Shumans, PA.(see maps). On Friday, September 10, the girls are given a key to get into the cabin and "make it acceptable for human habitation" since it is a hunting cabin equipped with few modern or comfortable amenities. Toby Drexler gives Linda Rhinehard the cabin keys and the girls go up ahead of the guys. The girls rode in Linda's Dodge Caravan and arrived at the cabin around 3:00 PM. Fred Tyler drove his Cutlass Station Wagon up to the cabin, taking along the other guys (Carl Fields, Dean Cowher, Mike Tifton and Woody Cossen). They arrived around 4:00 PM. Toby drove on his own to the cabin in his Jeep, arriving around 5:00 PM. Toby couldn't go along with the other guys because he claims that he was working on finishing up a research paper and needed the extra time on Friday. When the guys finally arrive the girls have already spruced up the cabin and have a list of things for the guys to do, including: putting the cots together, gathering wood and starting a fire. The guys brought along plenty of food and drink for the weekend and once the campfire was started Carl set about cooking steaks and baked potatoes. Dinner was ready to be served around 6:30 PM. Afterwards, the entire group went to the "swimming hole" from around 7:00 until its too dark. After drying off and changing, the group gathered around the campfire to roast marshmallows and exchange "Urban Legends." Toby and Caron took turns spinning tails of demented escapees who have been on the loose in the hills of Northumberland and Columbia Counties.  They continued telling stories and jokes until around midnight.  It was at that time when Mike thought he heard someone sneaking around in the woods in the area of the cabin's dirt access road. The girls thought that the guys had planned this just to scare them, so they played along and pretended to be scared just to see what the guys were up to. Toby suggested that he should head up a "search and destroy" mission along with Dean Cowher, Mike Tifton, Carl Fields and Woody Cossen. Fred Tyler was told by Toby to "stay with the girls" and "keep them safe while we're away."  The guys set out on their "mission" at around 12:00 midnight.   They had a couple of flashlights and Toby quickly grabbed a backpack with what he said contained some "essentials" that the guys would "need in their search."  During the next 1/2 hour the guys made their way up the dirt access road, across the bridge and up a winding mountain pathway that parallels Catawissa Creek in an eastward direction for about 1/4 mile.

At about 12:35 AM the guys sat down on a large outcropping of rocks along the trail and broke out the beer that Toby had been carrying in his backpack. They sat there and Toby popped open a few cans of beer and handed them out to the others. They drank and joked for about 15 to 20 minutes about how worried the others must be by now. At approximately 1:00 AM on the morning of September 11,  the guys start to feel extremely disoriented and dizzy. They try to stand up, but can't seem to keep their balance.  A couple of the guys try to hold each other up without success. When Dean tries to get up he immediately falls to the ground and can't move any part of his body except his eyes.  Dean feels paralyzed.  Dean's fall seems to set off a chain reaction as the others in their turn fall on their backs in a paralyzed state. They are all semiconscious and see things only vaguely and very distorted. Their hearing is also severely impaired. They can hear sounds, but these sounds are muffled and distorted.   They hear a voice that is "not quite human."  As they hear the voices, each also experiences a bright light shining directly in their faces. The light feels like it is burning their skin.  The light is very bright and hot.  Even more strange, fading in and out of their view, is what appears to be aliens (like the sci-fi "grays" often depicted in movies and on TV).  Small aliens appeared in front of them and their bodies felt like they were being lifted off of the ground and onto a table of some sort. Each vaguely recalls the feeling of being poked and prodded in the face with some foreign, sharp, metallic, instruments.  Mike specifically recalls the sensation of having one of these instruments imbedded deep in his nasal cavity. Some time between 3:00 and 4:00 AM each awaken to discover that they are still in the woods close to the trail where they had been before the abduction. Four of the five guys who were abducted carefully, by going slowly and seeing only by the dim light of the moon, retrace their way on the mountain trail and eventually find their way back to the cabin.  But Woody never returned.

When the police are called to the cabin an officer conducted a search of the area and found the lifeless body of Woody Cossen lying face down in the shallows of Catawissa Creek at the bottom of a cliff.


The tragic events that the following characters were involved in occurred in the late evening hours and early morning hours of September 10-11. 1999.

Toby Drexler:21 year old Communications Major/ Psychology Minor at Bloomsburg University, Pennsylvania (Hereafter called BU). Senior.  He grew up in Sunbury, PA. Linda Rhinehard is Toby's girlfriend of  5 years. Toby started dating Linda in their senior year at Sunbury High School. Carl Fields is Toby's best friend. Toby and Carl grew up together in Sunbury. They've known each other since 7th grade.

Toby's more recent friends (friends made-at BU) include Fred Tyler, Dean Cowher, Michael Tifton and Woody Cossen. Toby is the dominant character among his friends. He is a leader-type. He was Student Council President in HS. His friends and acquaintances also know Toby as a practical joker. The cabin and the land that come up in this trial belong to Toby's uncle. Toby has Frequented that Cabin at least twice in one year's time since the age of 12; usually Once during the winter to hunt with his father (Cory Drex1er) and Uncle (Mark Drex1er) and once during the summer months for a general family vacation. Toby has a White 1986 soft-top Jeep. Toby makes fun of anyone who believes in UFOs etc. Toby is also known for his intense interest in hypnosis. Toby's biggest challenge during his senior year is his seminar class in which he is expected to create a professionally produced and genuinely newsworthy expose to be aired on a local TV news program. Toby has teamed up with Linda and Carl for this project. For more information click here.

Carl Fields:21 year old Communications Major at BU. Senior. Toby is his best Friend. Sharon Forrester is Carl's girlfriend. They have been dating for about 3 Months. Carl grew up in the nearby city of Sunbury, PA. Were he's lived since The 7th grade. Carl is known for his- stable character and dependability. He is In most ways the opposite of Toby. For instance, he never makes jokes at the expense of others. Carl knows the others by way of parties on campus. Carl does not have a car on campus. Carl does not believe in UFOs and doesn't like to think or talk about "weird stuff like that." Carl must do the same seminar expose that Toby is doing. See Toby's paragraph for further explanation. Carl admits to allowing Toby to try to hypnotize him on a number of occasions. Carl doubts that HE can be hypnotized and believes that Toby has never been successful hypnotizing him. However, Carl has seen Toby hypnotize others successfully, including Linda and Woody. More Info.

Fred Tyler:20 year old  Communications Major at BU. Junior transfer student From Lehigh U. Grew up in Easton, PA. Went to Easton HS with girlfriend Caron Cisko. Caron has been Fred's steady since 11th grade in HS. Dean Cowher Is Fred's college roommate at BU. Fred knows the others by way of parties on Campus, but knows Toby and Carl because they all have some common classes. Fred is known as a quiet and philosophical kind of guy; often introspective. Others often rib him for his "lack of personality." For example, Toby never ceases to make fun of Fred, calling him sarcastically "Mr. Weatherman." Fred has a dark maroon, 1994, Cutlass Station wagon. Fred believes that UFOs are caused by atmospheric conditions-some sort of electrical discharge not yet fully understood by meteorologists.  More Info.

Dean Cowher:20 year old Communications Major at BU. Fred Tyler is his College roommate. Dean is a junior, who has a Fine Arts minor.  He fancies himself in the future as a "behind the scenes" kind of person involved in major TV News productions.   He loves researching controversial subjects and would someday like to work on Heraldo Rivera's staff. Because of his outspoken desire to work in TV, others often call him "Heraldo." He even sports a Heraldo Rivera style mustache.   Dean is not dating anyone currently but is secretly interested in Bonnie. Actually, it's only a secret to him because everyone seems to know. They probably know because of the way he acts when he's around Bonnie. It's very obvious to all that he's attracted to her.   Dean does not have a car.  Dean believes in UFOs because his brother Tom said he saw one 10 years ago while hiking the Appalachian Trail in West Virginia. More Info.

Michael Tifton:19 year old Computer Technologies major with a Business minor. "Mike" is a freshman at BU and met his current girlfriend (Alexis) at a "Frat" party. Woody Cossen is Mike's roommate.  Mike is not the stereotypical computer "geek." His father is a wealthy businessman and consequently Mike is a Comp Tech major because he thinks there's money to be made in the business. He is not a good computer programmer.  He is required to take programming courses in his major and he struggles to pass.  He depends on Woody's expertise and help to pass most classes. His grades are generally quite low and were that way in High School too. Most of his newfound friends are suspicious of him because he is rather spoiled and doesn't seem like he could have made it into BU without his father "pulling some strings with the administration." Mike drives a British Racing Green, 1998, BMW Z3 Michael grew up in Center Valley, PA and graduated from SLHS. Mike just walks away from anyone "stupid enough to engage in the endless drivel about aliens and UFOs." He is quick to make fun of anyone talking about such things. More Info.

Woodrow Cossen:18 year old Computer Technologies major. Woody's passion is computer graphics technology and programming. He is a prolific webpage creator and makes enough money designing  pages and programs to pay for much of his college education He was the valedictorian of his HS class at SLHS and nearly achieved a perfect score on his SATs. He is at BU on a full academic scholarship. Woody's newfound love is Paula Acres. They have been a couple since the beginning of the fall semester in August. Woody does not have a car on campus. Most people call him "Woody" or "Woods" but Toby almost always calls him "Cosign." Woody is regarded by his friends a looking and acting like the quintessential "computer geek." He is also viewed as someone who is susceptible to all sort of jokes, especially by Toby and Dean.  Woody has become interested in the possible existence of extraterrestrial by way of Paula.   He tends to believe in such things. Woody allowed himself to be experimented on by Toby once during a party. Woody doesn't remember anything about the event, but others say that Toby had him "barking like a dog"  while under hypnosis.  Witnesses to this hypnosis  event include Toby, Linda, Carl and Paula.

Linda Rhinehard:21 year old Communications! Elementary Education,   Double Major at BU. Grew up in Sunbury, PA.  Her long-time boyfriend is Toby Drexler and her roommate is Sharon Forrester.   Linda wants to be a news anchor some day.  She is the kind of girl who thrives under pressure and loves the spotlight.  She had considered going to a theatrical school in New York City, since she had been involved in countless HS plays and productions.  Her relationship with Toby ended up being a stronger magnet than some fanciful career in showbiz. she decided to go where Toby went. Linda has a red, 1990, Dodge Caravan. Linda doesn't have a firm opinion on the existence of aliens and UFOs. Linda admits to allowing herself to be hypnotized by Toby in order to kick her bad smoking habit. She hasn't taken a puff for over a year! She witnessed Toby hypnotizing Woody once.  Yes, Toby did make Woody bark like a dog under hypnosis. Linda is working on the same senior seminar project that Toby and Carl must complete to graduate. See Toby's paragraph for full details. More Info.

Sharon Forrester:21 year old English Literature major at BU. Grew up in Sunbury, PA. Linda has been her roommate and best friend during all her years at BU. Sharon is a senior in college. Sharon is especially interested in Victorian Age English literature and wants to become a college professor some day. She is an avid reader and writer of short stories and poetry. She is more like Carl Fields in terms of her personality and is regarded, therefore, as the perfect match for Carl. They have been dating rather seriously for 4 years and plan to be married after graduation. Sharon does not have a car on campus. Sharon thinks that the whole UFO phenomenon is "idiotic" and that anyone who believes in such things is "demented. " More Info.

Caron Cisko:20 year old Sociology Major at BU. Grew up in Easton, PA. Graduated from Easton HS. Caron is very active in social, political and environmental causes. She is a very outgoing, opinionated, and self-proclaimed "proud liberal." The first words, dripping with sarcasm, out of Toby's mouth whenever he sees her are, "Have you saved the world today!?" Toby and Dean enjoy provoking Caron so that she will make one of her "speeches" on topics ranging from the destruction of the rain forests to holes in the ozone layer, to the needless slaughter of seals, dolphins and whales. Caron and Alexis are college roommates and originally met at local "RockFest" for the raising of money to increase public awareness of "mutant frog syndrome" as caused by illegal chemical dumping. Caron and her boyfriend are nearly total opposites in terms of personality and she is the dominant one. For instance, she often does most of the talking for Fred Tyler. Caron is always wearing clothes that set her apart from everyone. Especially noticeable are the political awareness buttons, badges, patches etc. Caron "doesn't believe in automobiles." She hates pollution and claims she's "saving money to buy a horse."This last tidbit is a constant source of jest from Toby and Dean. Caron hates Dean, who she calls "the Capitalist Pig" and is always criticizing him. Regarding UFOs--Caron believes that the CIA has created "the lie about UFOs to cover up their "Black"(off the books) illegal, military, programs. Caron believes that hypnotism is "stupid and fake!" More Info.

Alexis Andrews:19-year-old Sociology major at BU. Alexis is a freshman. Caron Cisko is her roommate. She is not as outspoken as Caron in her political views but often follows Caron to demonstrations etc. She has tried endlessly to end the feud between her boyfriend (Mike Tifton) and Caron Cisko. She is attracted to Mike because of his wealth and social status, although she'll never say to Caron that Mike's wealth has anything to do with it.  Alexis is a freshman who looks up to Mike who is a junior and who seems to know exactly where he's going in life. Alexis doesn't have a car. Alexis grew up in Shamokin, PA in a poor family. She is an excellent student. Her friends know her as the " Assistant Librarian" because she spends so much time studying in the library.   Alexis thinks that "aliens are the figment of people's fertile imaginations."  Alexis believes that "people imagine things like aliens as a way to avoid dealing with some secret or hidden past abuse or traumatic experience." More Info.

Bonnie Smith:20 year old Computer Technologies major. Bonnie is a junior. She is not dating anyone currently, but all of her circle of friends have tried to set her up with Dean Cowher. She's quite a modest and moral person. She doesn't drink alcohol or smoke. She is the daughter of a Wesleyan Minister. She agrees to come along with the other girls to the cabin, thinking that it will just be the girls "camping out." She is quite embarrassed  to find out that she's been "set up" and that Dean Cowher is there. She is even willing to sleep in the Dodge Caravan so that nobody will think that any "hanky-panky" between her and Dean is going on.  Bonnie does like Dean, but doesn't believe in sex before marriage.   Bonnie often gets into verbal arguments with Caron over issues such as abortion, birth control, and the existence of God etc.  Bonnie doesn't have a car. Bonnie also despises Toby's constant "ribbing" of others and is not afraid to tell him to "knock it off" when she senses that Woody is offended or hurt. Bonnie is the leader in a college religious group called "Campus Crusade for Christ." Paula Acres is her roommate. Bonnie believes that "aliens are actually demons and fallen angels" sent by "Lucifer" (her way of referring to Satan when talking about UFOs and aliens). Bonnie believes that hypnotism is unscriptural and goes against the teachings of the Bible.

More Info.

Paula Acres:18 year old Computer Technologies Major at BU. Freshman. Her boyfriend is Woody Cossen. She has been dating Woody since the start of the fall Semester. Paula grew up in Elysburg, PA. Bonnie Smith is her roommate. Paula thinks of Bonnie as an "older sister." Paula is a highly intelligent young lady. Her goal is to become a computer programmer. She comes from a rather poor family and was raised by a single mother. Often she is the one who acts as a mediator among her group of friends when arguments break out--especially between Bonnie and Caron. The only unusual thing about her personality is that she is a card-carrying member of an international organization known as the "Friedman Brigade." This group gets its name from its founder, Milton Friedman, who is a astrophysicist noted for his controversial statements about the existence of UFOs. Paula's favorite topic of conversation is "alien abductions and visitations."  She keeps files detailing the "proof' of extraterrestrials and has created various websites on the subject. She is open to Bonnie's belief that aliens and demons are one in the same thing. Paula saw Woody hypnotized by Toby one time and was quite shaken by seeing him so out of control. She doesn't like the idea of hypnotism at all. More Info.

Wendy and Randy Wilson:Wendy is 15 and Randy is 12. They are siblings. They live on a farm about 1/2 mile from the cabin along Catawissa Road. Their parent's names are Don and Patty Wilson. The family has lived in the farmhouse along Catawissa Road for 20 years. Randy and Wendy were spying on the group of college students on Friday night from around 11: 00 PM to around 1 : 00 AM. They saw the "alien abduction" from across the river with binoculars. See Maps to understand where both were. More Info.

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