Tobias (Toby) Drexler

Before you read and study this information, make certain that you read and study the General Information Page and the Maps page.

You should know about your friends, so don't neglect to read over their profiles too.

There is information that IS NOT PUBLISHED for others have any possibility to read.  YOU NEED TO TALK DIRECTLY TO YOUR TEACHER, WHO WILL EXPLAIN.   THERE ARE SECRET PORTIONS of your testimony that you should not share with anyone!

If you are asked what you had planned to do on your senior project, the answer is: Alien Abductions.  Say that the idea came to you AFTER your experience and Woody's death.  Admit that the idea to do your senior project on Alien Abductions had come up once during a conversation with Paula Acres back in August, but, at the time you didn't believe in aliens and had made fun of her at the time.  Now you do believe in Aliens and think it is important for the American public to hear your story about being abducted.

You admit to having done hypnosis experiments on your girlfriend Linda.  You admit to also attempting to hypnotize Woody once.  You admit that you did this to Linda to help her quit smoking.  You hypnotized Woody as a joke.

Admit to having read and studied the books on hypnotism that were found in your dorm room.  There are three book by Wayne Perkins and Stever Robbins that you have read and studied.

You took a lie detector test for officer Reynolds.  You passed the test.

You don't remember what you were wearing on the night of September 10-11.  You think that Mike was wearing a football shirt of some sort that night, but don't remember what anyone else was wearing.

On September 18, officer Reynolds and investigator MacGregor came to your dorm room with a search warrant.  They questioned you about one small piece of paper they found in your room with some blue writing on it.  Tell anyone who asks you that you have no idea how this paper got into your room/ you've never seen it before/ and you don't know what the word (Rohypnol) that is written on it means.

Reynolds and MacGregor also asked about a sun lamp and you told them that you've never purchased on or owned on in your life.  If you are presented with a receipt for the purchase of a sun lamp that has your name and email address on it, deny that it is yours.