Carl Fields

You never believed in UFOs until you and were abducted on the night of September 10-11.   You really believe that you were somehow paralyzed and then experimented on by Aliens.  You couldn't see in clear detail what the aliens looked like, but you do remember that they looked a lot like what is shown on TV or in the movies and called "grays."  One of these aliens probed your face with a metal instrument after you had been lifted up on a table.  The metal instrument was long, thin, and shiny.  The alien was using the metal instrument on your face.  It hurt and you wanted to scream but couldn't.  At the same time there was some sort of bright-hot light shining on your face.  It felt like it was burning your face, but you couldn't move to escape.

Because your story seems so unbelievable and weird, you had no problem when you were asked to take a lie detector test. You took the test and you know that you passed.

You admit to having one can of beer while back at the campfire.  You had this beer while the whole group had been roasting marshmallows and telling scary stories.  This was the time when the whole group was there.  You're sure that others were drinking beer too, but you don't know exactly how much beer each person had.  The beer was in a cooler and Toby was handed it out when people asked for some.    You had another can of beer that night when you were up on the mountain in the early hours of September 11.  Toby had worn a backpack when the group of guys went to search for the strange noises.  Toby opened his backpack when the group sat down and started to joke about how worried the girls must be getting.  You remember that Toby cracked open the Budweiser can and then gave it to you.  You think that maybe 20 minutes went by between the time you had the beer and the alien abduction took place.You're also unsure about what each person was wearing that night, but you were wearing a dark blue ADIDAS t-shirt.  You do remember what some of your friends were wearing that night:   Dean wore a white Polo shirt, Mike wore a gray Old Navy t-shirt, Woody had on a Bloomsburg sweatshirt (Bloomsburg Colors).  You're not totally sure, but you think that Toby wore a red football shirt of some sort. 

When you woke up from being abducted you carefully made your way back to the cabin.   It was difficult to see since you didn't have a flashlight and didn't know where you were at first.  Once you figured out that you  were along the mountain pathway you were especially cautious because you remembered that the path was narrow and dangerous at one point.  You were still dizzy and you almost tripped and fell down the cliff, but you grabbed a tree root and pulled yourself back up.  You finally got back to the cabin at around 4:00 AM.  You're fairly certain that Dean, Carl and Mike got back to the cabin shortly after you did (Maybe around 4:05-4:10 AM). You don't know when Toby got back and, of course, Woody never came back. Yes, your face was sunburned.

You remember thinking that the aliens had kept Woody.

When you told the others back at the cabin the strange story, you remember Paula kept saying that the aliens probably kept Woody because of his high IQ and to run more experiments on his brain. Back

Dean Cowher

You admit to the fact that you knew that Carl, Dean, Toby and probably Woody were trying to frighten the girls into thinking that there was some scary stalker in the woods that night when the whole group was roasting marshmallows and telling stories around the campfire.  Mike really did say to you that he heard something in the woods.  You think that you heard some noises in the woods by the parking area next to the cabin.  So, even though you thought it was a joke, you do remember thinking that there really might be something out there.

You remember drinking 2 cans of beer at the campfire and another when the "search team" sat down along the mountain trail.  You are certain that Toby opened the Budweiser as he pulled it from his maroon colored backpack.   Then he handed you an open can.  You remember that Toby did the same for the other guys too. 

You estimate that it was at least 20 minutes that the "search team" sat on the stone outcropping along the mountain trail, drinking and joking about how scared the girls must be wondering what had happened to the "search and destroy mission."  Then things started to get extremely strange.  You got very dizzy and fell down after trying to get up and walk.  You felt paralyzed , but you could move your eyes.  You could see and hear, but not very clearly.  It was as this point that the abduction took place.  You saw an alien and felt like it was experimenting on you.  It seemed as if you were being lifted up onto something, perhaps a table.  The alien used a bright light that it held very close to your face.  The light was hot on your skin.  Later you realized that your face was burned when the girls and Fred told you to look in a mirror.

After the abduction, you woke up in a very confused state of mind...not really knowing where you were.  After your eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, you tried to stand up and walk by the light of the moon.  You knew you were in the woods because you found one of the flashlights.  You found your way slowly and carefully back to the cabin.  The mountain pathway was dangerous because you were still dizzy.  You wanted to run, but took your time because you were afraid that you might fall down the cliff and into the Catawissa Creek and get seriously hurt.

You don't remember what everyone was wearing that night.   You do remember what some of your friends were wearing:  You were wearing a white Polo Shirt and Toby had on a red shirt of some sort...maybe it was a football shirt.   Woody had a Bloomsburg U. sweatshirt on.

Bonnie comforted you because you couldn't relax when you finally made it back to the cabin.  It felt like you were on too much caffeine or something and your heart was racing.  You were scared...after all, you thought that you had been abducted by aliens. Bonnie prayed for you and talked to you about Jesus and the Bible.  She tried to explain how the devil can use spirits to trick us into believing in crazy things like aliens.  Bonnie read parts of the Bible to you and explained how Jesus had died on the cross and risen from the dead and forgiven all the things I'd ever done wrong.  Bonnie helped you to pray to accept Jesus into your heart.  After you prayed, you calmed down.  At that moment you no longer believed that you were abducted.  You understood what Bonnie had been telling you.  Now you believe that what you saw was a demon.  You've also talked to the investigator (if you haven't talked to investigator MacGregor DO IT NOW!)  Tell MacGregor and Officer Reynolds that you may even be open to the idea that "foul play" was involved.   You are beginning to get flashes of memories of Toby standing over you while you were being "abducted."  You think it is possible that Toby may have slipped something into your drink to paralyze you and make you disoriented.  You think that perhaps Toby tried to pull off a fake "alien abduction" so he could make us believe it really happened and then write up a famous article or become a famous TV journalist by getting all of this attention. After all, you did believe it happened.   You even took a lie detector test and passed it on September 18!

You have been seriously dating Bonnie ever since.  Back

Mike Tifton

You NEVER would have believed anyone with stories about aliens until NOW.  You will swear that you were abducted by aliens until the day you die.   You took a lie detector test and it said you were telling the truth about being abducted.

You are angry that anyone would accuse Toby of faking the alien abduction just to get famous.  What Bonnie and Dean are saying makes you especially angry.  You remember seeing TOBY on the ground paralyzed...Toby had fallen down before you had.  You remember Toby crying out to you and talking to him until the words didn't make sense anymore.  Everything became too distorted.  Your hearing and sight were distorted.  Next you saw a small gray alien creature bend down close to your face and your body was lifted up and placed on some sort of a platform or table.   On the table the alien used a bright light to examine your face and some weird metal tools to probe deep into your nose.  You wanted to scream and run away, but your body felt paralyzed and you couldn't move.  You could move your eyes side to side, but couldn't see anything.  Your face felt like it was on fire from the heat of the light that the alien held so closely to your face.

When you woke up from the abduction you were on the ground close to the mountain trail.  You carefully made your way down the mountain trail by using a flashlight that was right next to you.  When you woke up you were close to the big rocks you and the other guys had been sitting on before the abduction. You're not sure what time you made it back to the cabin.

When you got back to the cabin Alexis tried to calm you down, but it felt like you were "on speed or something."  You also discovered that you had a bloody nose.  You don't remember how you got the bloody nose, but you think that it was probably caused by the alien's probe.

If asked about whether or not you had beer that night: admit that you had one beer that night.  The beer came out of Toby's backpack.  You drank the beer while sitting on the rocky outcropping along the mountain path.  You didn't have any beer earlier that night at the time when the whole group was around the campfire eating marshmallows and telling scary stories.  You don't remember whether Toby opened your can before he handed it to you.  You do remember that he pulled it out of his maroon backpack.

If asked about the noises that other guys in the group had heard in the woods next to the cabin while the entire group was around the campfire, say that you did hear the noises and volunteered to go with Toby to search for the source of the noise.

You do remember that it was Toby's idea to go on a "search and destroy mission"--looking for the source of the noises  from the woods close to the cabin parking area.

If asked about what kind of clothes others wore that night, say:

Toby wore a black, zip-up sweatshirt.  You remember seeing his with it on as he slept on the cot after returning to the cabin after the abduction.   You wore a gray Old Navy t-shirt, Woody wore a Bloomsburg U. sweatshirt.  You don't remember what anyone else wore.  Back

Fred Tyler

When Toby took the other guys off into the dark that night to find out if we were being stalked by some weirdo Toby insisted that you stay with the girls to "keep them safe."  About 5 minutes after Toby and the other 4 guys went on their search you suggested that the girls go inside the cabin.  You said that you would stay outside by the campfire and watch for anything unusual. 

After a few hours the girls tried to convince you that they should call the police.  You cautioned them not to involve the police because it could just be one of Toby's practical jokes.  A few of the girls agreed and said that they had been suspicious that this might be a trick to scare them. 

You checked into the cabin every ten minutes or so.  At least one time Caron came out to check on you.  It was then that Caron told you that the phone in the cabin wasn't working anyway.

At around 4:00 AM Toby came back.  Then about five minutes later Dean, then Carl and then Mike came back.  They were all acting crazy and "out of their minds."  They all had severe sunburns on their faces and babbled on about being abducted by aliens.  They didn't tell what happened at the same time, nor did they tell it to the same person.  But the girls figured out that all of their stories matched.

Judging by the look in their eyes these four guys really believed that they had been abducted.  We began to understand that this wasn't a joke.   All four guys were shaking and stuttering and disoriented.  No matter how many times Caron and Bonnie angrily told them to "stop the stupid joke!" the 4 guys never changed their story.  Toby had gone and laid down on a cot and fell sound asleep, while the other 3 guys couldn't calm down no matter what.  Eventually, Bonnie got Dean to calm down after talking to him in for a long time.

Its hard to remember what any of the guys were wearing that night.  You think that either Carl or Toby wore a red football jersey.  You wore a light blue sweat shirt.

The first that you realized that Woody was still missing was when Toby laid down on the cot.  It was around 4:30AM.  You remember that Bonnie was the first to ask about Woody.  You remember that Bonnie prayed out loud for Woody to be safe.  You also remember how Caron told Bonnie to "keep her religious crap to herself!"  Caron wanted to go out and look for Woody, but we all agreed that it wouldn't be safe for anyone to leave the cabin.  You didn't know what to do.

At the first sign of sunlight, you decided to drive your station wagon to the nearest payphone.  It was around 6:00 AM when you called the police.  You told the police to come to the cabin because Woody was missing.   You think that you got back to the Cabin by 6:05 AM.  Back

Linda Rhinehard

You suspected that the guys were trying to play a prank on the girls when Toby and Mike claimed to hear noises in the woods next to the parking area by the cabin.  You suspected that Toby had been telling scary stories while everyone was gathered around the campfire to set up this prank.  Toby is known for playing practical jokes and pranks, so you and the other girls pretended to be scared.

As you sat around the campfire you had one can of beer.  You sat right next to Toby and don't remember him acting strange.  Toby was his usual fun-loving and joking self. 

You remember that Toby had on his 49ers Jersey.  Later, since Toby was shivering when he came back from the abduction, you helped him to put on his black, zip-up, sweatshirt.  You don't remember what anyone else was wearing that night.  You were wearing a pink sweater.

You have been successfully hypnotized by Toby.  He helped you to kick your bad habit of smoking.  Yes, he did make Woody bark like a dog once when Woody was under hypnosis.  Toby does have books on hypnotism and is interested in psychology too.

After Toby came back at around 4:00 AM he was totally out of his mind.  Toby's face had what looked like a severe sunburn and he was dizzy and disoriented.  He tried to tell us about being abducted by aliens and seemed very upset.  His story was very real and he was literally shaking as he told us what happened.  At around 4:30 Toby couldn't stay awake any more and nearly fell over in exhaustion a cot.  Toby was "out cold" and didn't move for over an hour or so.  The other guys who said that they had been abducted just couldn't relax or calm down and sleep, but they all looked the same.  They all had burns on their faces.  Mike had a nose bleed.  

Caron wanted to go look for Woody, but we didn't think anyone would be safe if we broke up the group.  We thought it would be best to stay together.

If you are asked whether or not Toby owned a portable sun lamp, say no.  You've never seen one in his room or jeep anyway.

You also don't think that the metal tools found in the dumpster by officer Reynolds belong to Toby.  You can't imagine where Toby would even get these kind of tools.

You had no idea that Toby was considering doing his senior media project on alien abductions.  To you, that sounds more like it would have been Paula's idea.   However, now after the abduction you did hear Toby talk about doing his senior project on the abduction and Woody's mysterious death.  You know that Toby passed a lie detector test about the abduction and you don't believe he would ever hurt anyone just to become famous.  Back

Paula Acres

You are very upset...your boyfriend is dead.

If asked why you didn't go out into the woods and search for Woody, admit that you were scared because of what the other guys had said about being abducted by aliens.  After all, you have always been a firm believer in UFOs.

Toby, Dean, Mike and Carl were extremely believable when they came back around 4:00-4:10 AM early on the morning of September 11.  You've  never seen guys so scared in all of your life.  They were all shaking, disoriented and had a look of terror in their eyes.  All 4 guys had burned faces and told similar stories about what happened to them up on the mountain.

You don't think Toby would ever do anything to hurt anyone, especially not Woody.   You don't think that Toby would try to fake a UFO abduction just to make himself famous.  You think that Woody probably just fell off of the cliff after he was returned by the aliens.  You think that whatever the aliens did to Woody to make him paralyzed must have not completely worn off.   You believe that the guys are telling the truth.  You know that they all passed a lie detector test.

You believe that the aliens probably did more experiments on Woody because of his superior IQ.

You are almost 100% sure that one of the 5 guys who went off to see what was in the woods had a football jersey on.  The jersey was red.

You can't explain the 3.5 disk that was found by officer Reynolds and investigator Macgregor.  You admit that it is one of your computer disks that you were probably going to use to put images on your UFO website, but you don't remember why the disk is labeled "For T."  If you are asked about the white jeep in one of these pictures on this disk, deny that it is Toby's jeep. Tell anyone who asks that you think maybe you got the pictures off of other UFO websites.

Try to block anyone's access to your website or email accounts or computer unless you are presented with a search warrant.You normally don't drink alcohol, but you did have one beer that night while listening to Toby tell a story at the campfire.  Back

Alexis Andrews

You admit to being scared at around midnight because you thought that you had heard something creeping around in the woods when the entire group was sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows and telling scary stories.  You remember that Mike said that he thought it sounded like a "large person sneaking around in the woods behind the parking area."  You remember that Toby stood up and said, "What if its a stalker!?"

You also remember that Toby suggested that Dean, Mike, Carl and Woody get some flashlights and go out into the woods to "scare this creep off."   You remember that Toby had a flashlight and led the group down the driveway that leads to the cabin.  Toby took them in the direction of the bridge.  The only guy that stayed behind was Fred.

You don't remember what anyone was wearing.  But you were wearing a black turtleneck.

The idea that the guys were playing a practical joke on the girls wore off since they were out for hours. 

You remember that when Mike (your boyfriend) came back you were greatly relieved that he was ok.  You are certain that Mike didn't come back first.   Toby came back first around 4:00 AM.  When Mike came back too, a few minutes after Toby returned, Mike's face was severely burned and red.  He had a bloody nose.   Mike went on and on about being abducted by aliens. He was really scared.   Mike was shaking endlessly and you couldn't get him to calm down.

Mike's story and the expression on his face were so convincing that you really believe that the guys were abducted by aliens.

You can't believe that Toby would fake the whole thing and potentially risk hurting his friends just to become a famous TV journalist/reporter.

If you are asked if you can remember what anyone was wearing, say that Mike was wearing, say that he had on a gray Old Navy Shirt and that you think Toby had on a red shirt.  Back

Caron Cisko

When Mike "heard" some noise in the woods while everyone was sitting around the campfire, you remember Toby suggesting a "search and destroy mission" to go and find the "stalker" in the woods.  You suspected that the guys had planned to try to scare the girls by pretending to hear a "noise."  Since Fred was told by Toby to stay behind, you figured that Fred was a "plant" to keep the girls at the cabin while the other guys went about their mischief.  She quietly told the other girls just to "play along" with Toby's trickery.

When the guys remained out in the woods for hours you began to change your mind.  You began to think that there was something seriously wrong around 1:00 AM

When Toby, Dean, Carl and Mike came back to the cabin around 4:00 AM you tried your hardest to get them to admit to playing a "stupid practical joke."  But the guys weren't normal.  They had burns on their faces and were disoriented, dizzy and all told the same weird story about being abducted by aliens.   They didn't show any signs of lieing!  In fact Mike and Dean were so upset that they sobbed uncontrollably for at least 1/2.  Toby was the most disoriented and actually "blacked out" on a cot for over an hour.  Toby seemed totally drained.  You believe tha nobody could possibly act that well!

If asked about what others were wearing, you remember that Fred was wearing a black shirt.  You also remember seeing Toby in a black, zip-up, sweatshirt.  You had on a green denim shirt on.

If asked whether you had any beer.  Say that you and Bonnie didn't have any beer, but that you're sure that everyone else did when the whole group sat around the campfire. Back

Bonnie Smith

All night you felt a strong Satanic presence in and around the cabin.  You knew the 5 guys were up to no good, but you didn't know what sort of practical joke the guys were trying to play.

You had told Fred to call the police a couple of times between 1:00 and 4:00 AM, but the phone didn't work.

You wanted to say a prayer to calm the group down on a number of occassions, but Caron got angry about it.

You helped to calm Dean down, by telling him how to "accept Jesus into his heart."  After Dean prayed to accept Jesus into his heart he calmed down.

You don't remember what sort of shirts any of the guys were wearing except for Dean--he wore a white Polo shirt.

You know that Paula took a large box of computer disks somewhere on Monday, September 12, but you don't know where she went with them.  You also saw her deleting files on her email accounts and using some sort of program to erase the hard drive of Paula's computer.  Paula never brought the box with the disks in it back to the dorm room.  Since you knew that Paula was up to something and was trying to hide something, you moved out of the dorm room.  You also found out about a web site that Paula was creating that was based on the abduction land death of Woody.  This makes you very angry.  You believe that perhaps Toby and Paula are working together to profit from this FAKE alien abduction.

Don't tell Paula this, but you know both her and Toby's email passwords.  Tell the investigator or officer Reynolds about the secret email accounts if they come and interview you. (TALK TO YOUR TEACHER ABOUT  THE INFORMATION, then keep it secret from everyone except the investigator and officer). Back

Sharon Forrester

You were actually inside the cabin at the time the group says that they heard a noise and when Toby, Dean, Carl, Mike and Woody went off to hunt down the "stalker".  You were inside the cabin getting more stuff to make "s'mores" when this happened.

You don't remember the exact time that the guys finally got back to the cabin, but you estimate that it was between 4:00 and 4:15 AM.  You don't know the order in which they returned.

You tried to comfort Carl.  Carl is normally a very calm, cool and collected guy.  But he just couldn't stop talking about being abducted by aliens.  Rubbing his back and giving him some hot chocolate didn't help at all to soothe his nerves.  The weird thing was that Toby "blacked out" on the cot right away, while the other guys just couldn't stop shaking.

Carl was concerned for Woody and wanted to go back and look for him, but we wouldn't let him.

Carl was wearing an adidas t-shirt.  You don't remember what the others were wearing.  You can make up whatever you want about what you were wearing.

You had 1 can of beer that night around 11:00 PM

You believe Carl's story about being abducted and don't believe that Toby could have deceived everyone and created a fake abduction.  You didn't believe in UFOs and Aliens before...but you do now!  Back

Wendy and Randy Wilson

Know map #3.  Take note of the dotted line and what it says about your positions on the late evening and early morning hours of September 10-11.

Your parents weren't home that night and the two of you went to spy on the college students who you had seen arive earlier that day. 

You both were watching from the wooded area by the dirt parking area next to the cabin (See Map #2).  This was around midnight.  When Randy stepped on a brach and it made a loud cracking sound, the college students, who were all sitting around a campfire, looked over in your direction.  The two of you jumped behind a large tree to avoid being detected.  Then you both saw a guy in a red football shirt grab a backpack and flashlight and make a motion for some of the others to follow him.  You both quietly walked deeper into the woods away from the students who were now walking in your direction down the access road.  You both walked far enough away from them to not be detected.  You now started following them to see where they were going.  The students, you could see that they were all guys, walked across the bridge (see map again).  You both stayed on the opposite side of the Catawissa Creek, but walked parallel to the guys as they walked slowly up the mountain pathway. 

At about 12:30 AM you both watched them sit down on some rocks at a clearing in the woods.  You could see them more clearly because there was a clearing on both sides of the creek.  Wendy, you pulled out a pair of your father's binoculars so you could see more closely what they were doing.  You observed them drinking beer and laughing.  You couldn't make out what they were saying, because it was just too far away.

At about 1:00 AM when Randy had the binoculars, he saw them acting very strangely.  He saw them try to stand up and then all of them stumbled and fell down on the ground and didn't seem to be moving at all.  Trying to pass the binoculars to Wendy, Randy dropped them and they went out of focus for about 10 minutes.   At 1:10 AM Wendy finally had them readjusted, but the binoculars wouldn't come into sharp focus.  She could see someone in a red shirt  walking around the other guys who were still on the ground not moving.  The one in the red shirt, had a flashlight and was looking around for something.  He went further down the mountain pathway and came back with a big box.  You saw the one in the red shirt pull some unusual stuff out of the box.  First there was this glowing rectangular light.   The guy in the red shirt took this light and held it over the faces of the other guys who were still on the ground and not moving.  The rectangular light glowed an orangish color.  The guy in the red shirt spent about 10 minutes holding this light over the faces of each of the others.  There was something else that Randy noticed too that seemed even more weird.  The guy he saw with the red shirt put some sort of gray mask on his head and then put on a black, cloak with a hood.  Wendy, you tried to figure out what the guy in the red shirt was doing with this thing, but you can't say for sure.  In fact, it looked to you as if the mask had big eyes.

The same guy in the black cloak finally took it off and you could see that it was the same guy who had on the red shirt. He took off the cloak and put it and a bunch of other stuff back. The guy in the red shirt then took the box down the trail out of your sight. When he came back again he started dragging the other guys deeper into the woods (up the hill, deeper into the woods by the mountain trail.  You couldn't see all of them because the trees were in the way in the spots were the guy in the red shirt dragged them to.  This really spooked you, because it seemed like the guys might be dead.  They hadn't moved for a long time and it seemed like the guy in the red shirt was being sneaky.  You (Wendy) grabbed your brother's hand and the two of you ran home as fast as you could.

If asked if you ever saw any flying saucers, UFOs or aliens, say NO!

When your parents came home you told your dad about what you saw.   Your dad called Officer Reynolds on September 12.  Officer Reynolds and Investigator MacGregor interviewed both of you about what you witnessed. 

NOTE:  If the person playing the part of the officer doesn't come to you, go to him or her and tell them that you need to talk to them about what you saw!!! Back