


Please Print                                              RESERVATION APPLICATION ~ BK # TBA   (Main Bk # 23895)

Please reserve ________seat(s) on the Orr Celtic Discovery Tour of Ireland: July 15 - 23, 2003


Name (as on passport): ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(street)                                                                     (city)                                                         (state)                       (zip)         


Phone: (home)________________________________________(work)_________________________________________________

Passenger sharing with:_______________________________________________________________________________________

 (please indicate if roommate is sending deposit with separate reservation application q Yes    q No

Name (as on your passport):                                                                                                                                                               ___________

Address:                                                                                                                                                                                                  ___

                                (street)                                                                      (city)                                                         (state)                       (zip)

Phone: (home)                                                                                                          (work)                                                     ___________

Deposit of $________________ ($200.00 p.p. is enclosed – due by November 1, 2002. A second payment of $100 per person is due by March 7, 2003.

Final payment is due BY APRIL 1st, 2003
Room Type:                 q Twin/Dble                                q Triple                                  q Single   $289 Supplement – limited availability

Travel Protection Plan ($99 per person – must be included with deposit) q Yes q No

Further Inquires – Please Contact:                        Mr. Peter Orr at:  610-258-5479                                                                                                                                                     

Please makes checks payable and send to:                                    Celtic Tours

                                                                            1860 Western Avenue

                                                                            Albany NY  12203

MasterCard & Visa Accepted:

I have read the terms and conditions per the brochure/flyer and understand that I may incur service charges, penalties and/or cancellation fees in the event of cancellation or change in my itinerary for any reason.  Travel cancellation/interruption insurance was explained and offered to me at the time of original booking.


I __________________________________________________________authorize Celtic Tours to charge $__________________on my


 Credit Card Number: ________________________________________________________________Exp. Date: ___________________


Signature:______________________________________________________________ Zip Code (mandatory):____________________

