Field Trips

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Philadelphia Trip

Tour of Historic Philadelphia

Mr. Orr's Social Studies classes will be organized into small groups and will participate in a tour of historic Philadelphia. 

Date:  Friday, October 25

Note for Parents:  Expect to see a permission slip by the first week of October.   Please, sign the slip and return it to me by Friday, October 11.  Your sons and daughters will need some spending cash for lunch. 


Lehigh County Courthouse Trip

During the third marking period, each of my classes will spend the day at the courthouse.  We will be leaving SLMS at 9:30 AM and returning by approximately 2:00 PM. 

Students should plan on dressing up for this trip.  We will be going in to observe real courtroom procedings, talking with the Sheriff of Lehigh County and eating out at Wendy's for lunch. Wendy's will cost between $5.00 and $10.00.

Parents should expect to see a permission slip comming home sometime in the beginning of February.  Each of my social studies sections go on a separate day.

We don't know ahead of time what will be available for us to observe in court.   Feel free to follow this link to the courthouse trial docket if you are interested in what we will probably see on a given day.


End of the Year Bash

This year your team of teachers would like to take everyone on a dinner & dance harbour cruise of New York City.  Follow this link to Spirit Cruises if you'd like to see what we have in mind.  This year's trip will be in the beginning of June (we haven't set a date yet, but I will post it here as soon as it can be made firm).  Hard copy of specific times and costs will be forwarded to our students in a timely manner during the 4th marking period.

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