Docendo Discimus "Docendo Discimus" is a Latin phrase meaning, "we learn from teaching." Anyone who has ever had to explain something to someone else understands that the process of getting the point across is perhaps the most effecient way of remembering anything. Engagement in the process of teaching streamlines the ability of the instuctor to learn. Although it is true that not everyone wants to become a teacher, it is equally true that regardless of profession, one never escapes the need to "show someone else the ropes." This process also encourages more efficient study habits by showing students, in a natural way, the most usefull alternative to clumsy, repetitious, memorization techniques. When one is forced to bring meaning to the content at hand by creative interaction with the material, a learner's power of association and grasp of the details increases dramatically.. Passive learning stragegies can't even compete. All students will be teaching the entire class. Instructors will work in pairs and share equal responsibilities. A detailed list of these responsibilities will be given by Mr.Orr during in-class preparation time. Mr. Orr will take students through the process of creating a lesson plan, one step at a time No matter when a student is slated to teach the class, all instructors are required to finish their preparation at the same time to avoid being unfair to those who are among the first teams to teach. In terms of the content, students will be using the class texts as a resource. Topics include the application of the US Constitution to the form and function of the Federal, State, and Local Governments.