Second Marking Period Checklist

Section I:  Notes and Worksheets

The  Major Compromises of the Constitutional Convention, including:

      __The Legislative Compromise.

      __The Compromise on electing the Chief Executive.

     __The Compromise on how to count the slave pop. (3/5 comp. & Fugitive Slave Clause)    

      __The Compromise on Currency

      __The Compromise on Tariffs (north v. south)

      __The Compromise on the Judiciary.

      __The Connecticut Compromise.

__Chart on the Qualifications for Political Office on the Federal Level.(W)

__Self-test on Political Party Affiliation(N).

__Peanuts Video Worksheet on the Constitutional Convention.

__Handout on Taxation.  __Notes on Taxation given on the reverse side.

__The Order for the Tranference of Presidential Power(N) Order of Succession.

__Editing Problems:  The Const. Convention (front & back #s 1-12)

Section II:  Mock Constitutional Convention

The State I Represented was:                                        My Fellow Delegates were:

The Special Committees I was on Included:

__A Journal of all Proposals made and all of the Votes taken.  (5 full pages minimum required).

__The Chart of the Basic Decisions completely filled-in.

__A Copy of our Classes' US Constitution.

Section III:  Docendo Discimus

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