Opinion Papers

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Opinion papers are designed to encourage students to confront the multi-facited nature of most political, historical, social, economic, and cultural issues. 

Expectations for an opinion paper are always the same.  Here is a list of the elememts necessary to get the best grade on such a paper:

1.  One full page in lenght; single spaced.

2.  Student name, date, class section and title.

3.  Students are expected to write neatly and legebly or to type the paper.

4.  Proper grammar and spelling.

5.  An introduction that presents the various sides of a given argument.

6.  The main body of the paper should focus on the merits and reasoning behind your opinion

    as well as detailing the points you believe work against the alternatives.  Don't just state

     your conclusions.  Tell the reader how and why you came to this conclusion.

7.  Show initiative in class!  If you want an A+ you must demonstrate a willingness to explain

    your position during class time.  Your teacher will probably not be able to call on everyone.

    However, it will be obvious to everyone who is volunteering their opinions and your teacher

   will note all appropriate attempts to be heard.

Here are some links that will be helpful:

www.greyhawkes.com/ps/parties.html   Here you will find a list of the political parties active in the United States today.

www.gksoft.com/govt/en/us.html An increadible number of links to US Government Offices, domestic and foreign.

www.politicalinformation.com/ Here you will find an extensive search engine devoted to politics, political issues and political news.

www.politics1.com/states.htm Here you will find a portal to political issues and organizations on the State Level.

http://snoopy.tblc.lib.fl.us/utlibrary/polisci.htm Link to a broad variety of political/government sites.

www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/politica.html This is a very thorough political science resource Page.

www.vote-smart.org/issues/ Topical links to research the major political and social issues of our time.

www.gallup.com/ A Poll Site.   www.zogby.com Another Good Poll Site.

www.hillwatch.com/hotissues/HotissuesHome.htm A Good Web Site for researching today's hottest political issues.

For More Information Contact:
Mr. Peter D. Orr
Southern Lehigh Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies
3715 Preson Lane, Center Valley PA 18034
Tel: 610-282-3700
FAX: 610-282-2963