Are you up to defending the ideals of the Constitution of the United States of America? Are you up to defending your rights and liberties? I hope so!
In this class we will begin with a challenge to your political beliefs. Perhaps you didn't even know that you had "political beliefs," but you will after just one encounter with one of our "guest speakers." You will encounter these speakers for 8 straight days in Mr. Orr's 9th Period class. These speakers will be attacking the very fabric of the "American Way."
What's the point!
Well, the point is to start to more clearly define what you really believe about the proper role of government. The point is to WAKE UP and UTILIZE your natural tendency to DEBATE through CURIOSITY. The point is that your ideas and ideals will be SHARPENED by encountering radically different political ideas. The point is that I'm ENCOURAGING you to put your natural desire to debate, question and be critical to GOOD USE. The point is that this approach to politics and government is INTERESTING and MEMORABLE.
What Must You Do?
1. Come to class with your mind in gear. Be ready to think CRITICALLY about what you are hearing.
2. When you hear something you disagree with TAKE NOTE OF IT in that day's notes page. As the speaker goes about making his presentation write down the questions that come to mind. I expect a MINIMUM of 6 original questions that you have WRITTEN DOWN in your notes for the day. You got it? Yes, WRITTEN DOWN is the only way to prove it to your teacher.
3. When you are given the opportunity to ask questions or make COUNTERPOINT ARGUMENTS, STAND UP and do it! That's right, get off of your butt and go up to the counterpoint podium and let it rip! Hey, but expect to argue and support your point if you've got one. You will be challenged.
4. Be quiet and respectful to the speaker until his time is up. Be quiet and respectful to those who have the guts to get up and challenge the speaker or ask questions.
5. Be patient and wait your turn to get to the podium.
6. Expect to do a formal, one page write-up of what was said and how you agree or disagree with what was said by the speaker of the day. This report shall conform to the Writing Standards posted in every classroom or it will be returned as incomplete. There is a 10 point deduction for every day your opinion paper is late.
Each day for 8 days you will have an encounter with a person who would like to destroy the political system of the United States of America. Below you will find a list of the characters who will make an appearance in the classroom and some of the basics of their politcal views. This is not necessarily the order of appearance.
The Characters:
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The Anarchist: A member of the World Anarchy Faction will be the speaker in class today. He advocates the removal of all "artificial" laws and governments. The WAF believes that the "rule of nature" is the most just rule that exists and that it is the only "law" necessary. The WAF holds that Darwin's terms "the survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" are the two components of the "rule of nature." For this reason, humans do not have the right to place additional restrictions, rules, laws etc. on other human beings. Whatever two or more people willingly consent to do with and to one another is no one else's business. If what people do is harmful to others, than the others retain the right to fight for their survival and to dispose of those who seek to do them harm. Yes, with violent means if that's what it takes. People will form many loose laws to govern their own lives and perhaps that of their offspring, but they don't have the right to create a government (even if it is by Majority Rule) that creates rules and laws restricting the liberty of people outside the group. The people retain the absolute right to depose or overthrow any artificial government that restricts their rights. The WAF calls for the overthrow of all forms of Federal, State and Local Government present in the US today and the disbanding and disarmament of the military and police forces used to maintain these governments, rules and regulations. Similarly, any large business, corporation, religious institution, social agency or political party that acts as if it were a government is also to be destroyed.
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The Communist: You will hear from a member of the American Soviet Party. The ASP advocates the overthrow of Capitalism and the establishment of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat as a revolutionary and necessary step towards the creation of social and political equality.
Capitalism is the product of the historical evolution of societal forms and it has reached a stage of death agony. As the world's resources are being concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer at the expense of the working majority and the global capitalist market nears its apogee of existence, it is time for this system of hierarchical domination, alienation and exploitation of the working masses to cease.
In capitalism's place a communal structure shall be erected. We believe that humanity, as a whole must strive to realize its collective potential and that it is inherent within a capitalist structure to inhibit this potential from being realized. Therefore, society must be reorganized to reflect our common interests. The following are the tenets of the ASP, which we believe are ostensible.
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The Royalist: Today's speaker advocates a return to government by a Landed Aristocracy. The Royalist Resurgence Party sees the following steps as being necessary to attain this goal: 1. The Royalist Resurgence Party would like to end the ban on Hereditary Titles in the US Constitution. 2. The RRP holds that the true essence of politics as in true wealth is inherently tied to ownership of land. The RRP believes that you must be a certified estate owner to have political rights. An "estate" is established as the ownership of a minimum of 10,000 acres and must be certified by a notary public. This certificate qualifies a person to carry the title "Lord." 3. The RRP wants to put an end to all public or government owned land as a first step toward the recognition of a New Aristocracy. 4. The RRP desires the abolition of the entire Federal Government, in all of it's structures, responsibilities, and powers. 5. New governments will arise naturally as the large landowners establish the necessary armies and policing forces for the protection of their land, resources and personal property. 6.The RRP calls for the world-wide disarmament of all national military forces and for the disbanding of all national armies. 7. The RRP recognizes the right of the New Aristocracy to hire and maintain a military force. 8. The RRP believes that the creation of laws is the duty and responsibility of the Royal Head of State and is not a matter for public vote or representative legislatures. As a person is the creator of their own home rules so should it be on the level of larger political "estates." Those people living on the property of an estate holder must swear loyalty to the owner of that land and obey all of the owner's laws and rules. The political rights of the people who live on the land of estate holders are and should be totally dependent upon the grace of the owner. 8. The RRP supports the dynastic (Royal Family) transference of executive, legislative and judicial power and wealth. The RRP also recognizes the Supreme Right of Estate Holders in the granting of Titles to land ownership. 9. The Head of the Royal Family is the sole grantor of political rights. 10. The RRP recognizes that there may be some land owners who will not be able to establish the estate minimum required to claim the title of "King" or "Queen," but who will command armies or political or economic power that will allow them to eventually achieve this Royal Claim. Until they have the required land they cannot claim to be a member of the New Aristocracy. 11. A person's "estate" does not have to be comprised of contiguous acreage. The total amount of non-contiguous acreage is what counts.
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The Plutocrat: The speaker today is an advocate of the addition of a minimal finical requirement to the Constitution for all elected State and Federal government positions. This minimal requirement should be set at whatever the current census records as placing an individual's personal income in the upper 5% of the nation. He also calls for a reforming of the Federal government in the following manner: 1. There should be a unicameral congress of 50 representatives--this shall be called the "Federal Senate." 2. Deletion from the Constitution of the current Executive Branch and the "unnecessary half of the Legislative Branch--the House of Representatives." 3. The "seamless blending of the position of Senator and the state Governor (they become one-in-the-same position). 4. Reconstruction of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government in the Form of a Council. This Executive Council will be appointed by the Senate. 5. The Senate will be restricted to meeting 10 times per year or unless called upon by the Exec. Council for an emergency session. 6. State Constitutions will be allowed to remain unaltered. 7. The Federal Government should be restricted to military matters, relations with foreign nations, the granting of Patents and the maintenance of a National Banking System. Social Welfare programs will be exclusively the domain of the State Governments. 8. The Federal Income Tax is to be eliminated and replaced by a Federal Sales Tax.
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The American Indentured Sevitude Society: A member from an organization called "Americans for Indentured Servitude" will be addressing the class about his organization's promotion of the idea that doing away with amendments 13 and 14 will go a long way to reducing, if not ending poverty in the United States. AIS members believe that slavery has always existed throughout human history in one form or another. AIS members also believe that with the elimination of formal slavery in the 19th century, that the "natural slave class" simply adapted to modern Capitalism. In other words, the "slaves" migrated from one "slave master" to a new "slave master"--large Corporations and Lending/Credit Institutions.
In order to "liberate" the "natural slave class" from "debt slavery" an older form of slavery must be resurrected--Indentured Servitude. Indentured Servitude is a form of contractual slavery, which shall be constructed to help the slave class eventually become financially independent. All slavery contracts shall be required by Federal law to have a minimal savings component that the Master keeps in an interest-bearing escrow account in the name and social security number of the slave in his/her possession. The contract must also have a maximum time component of 7 years. AISS envisions the necessary dualism of a certain percentage of society being recognized as both a person and property.
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The One World Government Movement: Today's speaker advocates the immediate repudiation of National Sovereignty on a world wide scale. This group is not so concerned with the form of government because they believe in the "big net" theory of exporting an international culture that will connect all human beings through its commonalities. In other words, this revolution must come in gradual steps. The primary vehicles for developing an international culture are as follows: 1.Proliferation of the concept of Human Rights over that of Political Rights as established within sovereign and independent nations. 2. The Proliferation of an international culture to blur the traditional distinctions between race, religion, and ethnocentric traditions. 3. Financial and political backing for the internationalization of the world's leading Corporations, so that the financial institutions within nations will eventually loose their sense of loyalty to the national idea. The notion is that as these Corporations develop greater and greater financial interests in multiple nations that war between these nations will become unthinkable. Obviously, a desire for common laws and markets is also expected as part of the process. 4. Deconstruction of all trade barriers in order to speed up the economic interdependence of the nations. 5. Influencing the media and intelligensia to be on message by pushing to the forefront a constant emphasis on issues that "affect everyone around the world." 6. The deconstruction of any national loyalty in the news media and its replacement by the "higher ideal of objectivity." 7. Establishment of an international military force that has access to all national territories 8. Creation an international political Executive Council based on 12 World economic trade zones. 9. The eventual break-up of the geographically larger nations into manageable chunks of real estate that approximate the size, population, and economic prowess of the state of California. These smaller states will run their own representative form of government, but be bound to an international Constitution which prohibits the creation, upkeep or proliferation of any military forces. 10. The issuance of a personal identification micro chip in order to be able to track all people by GPS.
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The National Socialist: Today's speaker advocates the establishment of a form of government whose main purpose is the maintenance, protection and proliferation of a particular national construct whose boundaries are established by and equivalent to race. Strict national boundaries, based on racial criteria are viewed as being the ideal. This philosophy denies the premise that any sort of just or truly representative government can exist outside the parameters of national/racial segregation. Strictly speaking, National Socialists believe that the only reason for the existence of any Nation is in the service of the race. Individual rights are subservient to the group in any case where these individual rights come into conflict with the upkeep of the race. National Socialists also deny the validity or jurisdiction of any International Laws, other than those established directly by a bilateral treaty between Sovereign Nations. Actually, no particular form of government is seen as being ideal by National Socialists. Rather, their philosophy is based on the notion that since the needs of the race evolve and change due to circumstances, that forms of government must be flexible with the times. Who can detect when such changes are necessary in this philosophy? National Socialists believe in the "undeniable leadership principal." The idea is that the government must simultaneously permit enough personal liberty, provide for sufficient internal security and educational opportunities to allow the potential of the political genius of all citizens, regardless of class, to make its way into positions of leadership. National Socialism also advocates the necessity of representative government only in as much as it promotes "responsibility up and down." Although, elections take place to elect members to a Senate, they deny that the concept of "majority rule" should be the primary vehicle in the creation of Federal Government policy. Why? Because they believe unchecked "majority rule" promotes "political cowardice and corruption"--since it allows the politicians to hide behind the majority and thereby avoid responsibility for their decisions. Secondarily, National Socialists believe that "majority rule" creates needless political partisanship. Rather, the National Socialist, holds to the national forced unionization of politics and the economy. National Socialists see no difference between their political party and the nation. Single party rule is seen as ideal and they envision a necessary connection between political rights and party membership. Finally, National Socialists want a strong, centralized, Federal Government and a constitution that ensures its legislative, judicial and executive supremacy over that of the internal states. Nationalization of the economy is essential to the National Socialist in gaining control of Capitalism--i.e., placing it in the service of the nation. The National Socialist is determined to wipe out all internationalist tendencies, especially among the major corporations within the nation, while maintaining an internally "free-market" economy. For this reason, the Federal Government strictly controls international trade and outlaws any stock markets that allow the citizens of the nation to own interest in foreign corporations. The National Socialist believes that most modern wars have been caused because of international corporations who are interested in making money off of both sides. National Socialists demand loyalty to the national interest first. As long as an individual's or a corporation's capitalist aspirations do not conflict with the national interest, little to no government interference takes place.