First Marking Period Checklist

This checklist serves as your guide for the organization of your social studies notebook.  It also functions as a reference for parents who are interested in the specific topics covered during any marking period.

Section I: Thoughts and Words for the Day

There should be ____ thoughts and words for the day.  Each word should be defined.

Section II:  Class Notes(N) and Worksheets(W)

__The two extremes of government: Anarchy & Totalitarian(N)

__Drawn map of the "island" (N)

__General introduction on the Factors Influencing the Development of Governments(N)

__W:  How Might Environments Influence the Development of Governments?

__W:  How Might Possessions Influence the Development of Government?

__W:  How Might Morality Influence the Development of Government?

__N: List of Basic Forms of Governement in the Ancient World.

__ Ancient Greece and Democracy: Direct and Indirect Forms(N)

__The Roman Republic and its influence on the founders of the US(N)

__The Roman Empire Period and its influence on the founders of the US(N)

__Cincinnatus v. Caesar: On Civic Virtue(N)

__Medieval Europe's influences on the founders of the US (N)

__The Age of Enlightenment and its influence of the founders of the US (N)

__John Locke and the Concept of Limited Government (N)

__Rousseau and the Contract Theory of Government (N)

__Diagram of Montesquieu's Principles (N)

__Historical Editing(W): How should a republican government be organized?(2 pages)

__Historical Editing(W): We the People, pages 24-28.

__The French and Indian War to the Battle of Bunker Hill(N)

__The Geography of Colonial America: 13 Colonies Map(W)+(N)

__The 4 parts of the Declaration of Independence (W)

__   1776: (W)on the Movie+ ___(N)on the Olive Branch Petition.

__US History Timeline, Part I.  ___US History Timeline, Part II.

__The Great Seal of the US (W)+(N)+__Hist. & Origin of US Flag(N)

__Problems Under the Articles of Confederation (fill-in W).

__1764-1776! Packet of rules, information, and chart for the simulation.(w)

__1764-1776! Notes:  Keeping track and score for your colony and the events.(N)

Section III:  Homework

__Checkup--"The Law--Rules for Living in a Society."

__List of 10 Laws absolutely necessary for survival.

__Opinion Paper:  What is the Most Important Factor in the Development of Good Government? One full page minimum required.

__Opinion Paper:  Defend your choice of someone who is a good example of Civic Virtue. One full page minimum required.

__Protest Poster Against the British Colonial Rule

___Word Scramble and __Crossword Puzzle

___3 page report on 3 key events leading up to the American War for Independence.

___Student Generated Test (25 questions-5 T/F, 5 fill-ins, 5 matching, 5 mult. choice, 5 short essays+ Answer Key).

___Map of the US: States & Capitals filled in.

___Study Sheet for Test I.  ___Study Sheet for Test II

Section IV:  Tests and Quizzes

To be announced during the course of the marking period.

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